Saturday, 1 June 2013

Read these!

Hiya! Hope you are all doing well! Sorry I've not blogged in ages, but I've been busy with holidays, homework, revision etc... However, in the spare minutes, Ive read some fantastic books which have really touched me! John greens books are fab, and I love how they are written, with passion and love. I've read looking for Alaska and the fault in our stars. They both have made me laugh, cry and smile! You should all read them! Also, I've read some darker tales about murder... mystery novels! I love a good murder mystery, and these books kept me on edge for hours. Envy and Betrayal are very gripping and thrilling, and clues are revealed thought the story until the end, when all the truth comes out! I'm a book worm and there is nothing I enjoy more than reading with a mug of tea!

Issy x

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